
Easy Tostones Recipe: How To Make Fried Plantains

Tostones with guacamole and tomato onion salad

When it comes to delicious fast food in Miami Beach & Brickell, there’s a Caribbean classic that’s a must-try: Tostones. These twice-fried plantain slices are a staple in Latin American cuisines and are loved for their delightful combination of crispy edges and soft interiors. This comprehensive guide will walk you through an easy tostones recipe, including what to eat with tostones, and ideas for tostones dipping sauce. Whether you’re a cooking novice or a seasoned chef, this guide will help you master the art of making perfect tostones.

Introduction to Tostones

What Are Tostones?

Tostones are a popular Latin American side dish made from green plantains. These starchy fruits are sliced, fried, flattened, and then fried again to golden perfection. The result is a crispy, savory treat that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

The Origin of Tostones

Originating from the Caribbean, tostones have become a beloved dish in many Latin American countries, each adding its unique twist to this classic snack.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

Selecting Plantains

For perfect tostones, choosing the right plantains is key. You’ll need green plantains, which are unripe and firmer, making them ideal for frying.

Oil for Frying

A neutral oil with a high smoke point, like canola or vegetable oil, is best for frying tostones to achieve that desirable crispy texture without any added flavor.

Preparing the Plantains

Peeling and Slicing

Start by cutting off both ends of the plantain and making a shallow slit along the length. Remove the skin and slice the plantain into thick rounds, about ¾-inch thick.

Soaking for Extra Crispiness

Some prefer soaking the plantain slices in salted water for a few minutes before frying. This step can help the tostones achieve extra crispiness.

The Frying Process

First Fry

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Fry the plantain slices until they are lightly golden, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Then remove them from the oil.

Flattening the Plantains

Once slightly cooled, flatten each plantain slice using a tostonera or the bottom of a heavy glass or jar. The goal is to create even, round tostones.

The Second Fry

After flattening, return the tostones to the hot oil and fry them again. This time, they should turn a deep golden brown and become wonderfully crispy.

Serving and Enjoying Tostones

What to Eat with Tostones

Tostones can be enjoyed as a snack on their own or as a side dish with various meals. They pair exceptionally well with grilled meats, seafood, or a simple salad.

Tostones Dipping Sauce Ideas

A variety of dipping sauces can elevate your tostones. Popular options include mojo (a garlic sauce), avocado-based sauces, or a simple garlic aioli.

Creative Variations

Seasoning and Flavors

While traditionally seasoned with just salt, you can experiment with different seasonings like garlic powder, cayenne pepper, or lime zest for an added flavor kick.

Tostones Toppings

For a more elaborate dish, top your tostones with shredded cheese, pulled pork, or fresh salsa. These toppings can transform simple tostones into a hearty appetizer or meal.

Healthier Alternatives

Baked Tostones

For a healthier version, you can bake the tostones instead of frying. While they won’t be as crispy, they’ll still be delicious and a lighter option.

Using Different Oils

You can also experiment with healthier oils like coconut or avocado oil for frying, which add a unique flavor and are known for their health benefits.

Storing and Reheating

Tostones are best enjoyed fresh, but if you need to store them, keep them in an airtight container. They can be reheated in the oven or air fryer to bring back their crispiness.

The Nutritional Profile of Plantains

Understanding Plantains’ Health Benefits

While indulging in tostones, it’s worth understanding the nutritional value of plantains. Green plantains are a good source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and essential vitamins like vitamin C and B6. They also contain minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

Balancing Indulgence with Nutrition

Although frying adds calories and fat, incorporating plantains into your diet can still be part of a balanced nutritional approach. Moderation is key, especially when enjoying fried foods.

Cultural Significance of Tostones

Tostones in Latin American Cuisine

Tostones hold a special place in Latin American cuisine. They are not just a food item but a cultural symbol, representing the diversity and richness of Latin American culinary traditions. In different regions, they might be known by various names, such as patacones or chatinos.

Celebratory and Everyday Dish

Tostones often appear at both everyday family meals and special occasions, showcasing their versatility and cultural importance in bringing people together.

Pairing Tostones with Other Dishes

Complementary Flavors

When considering what to eat with tostones, look for dishes that complement their crispy, starchy nature. They are commonly served alongside rice and beans, as part of a larger meal, or as an accompaniment to protein-rich dishes like chicken, pork, or fish.

Incorporating into Various Cuisines

While traditional in Latin American cuisine, tostones can easily be incorporated into other culinary traditions, adding a unique texture and flavor to a variety of dishes.

Exploring Variations in Tostones Recipes

Regional Twists on Tostones

Different regions add their unique twist to tostones. For instance, some Caribbean countries might add sweet spices, while others in South America might prefer them saltier or with added herbs.

Global Fusion Dishes

In recent years, tostones have found their way into global fusion dishes, combined with flavors and ingredients from various cuisines, further expanding their appeal.

Hosting a Tostones-Themed Party

Interactive Cooking Experience

Consider hosting a tostones-themed party where guests can participate in making their tostones. It’s a fun, interactive way to enjoy this dish while also engaging guests in a hands-on culinary experience.

Dipping Sauce Competition

Encourage guests to bring their homemade tostones dipping sauce. This can be a playful competition to see who comes up with the most delicious or creative sauce.

The Art of Making Perfect Tostones

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Crisp

Achieving the perfect crispiness in tostones is an art. One key is ensuring the oil is at the right temperature – not too hot that it burns the plantains, and not too cool that it makes them greasy.

The Importance of Proper Flattening

Flattening the plantains to the right thickness is crucial. Too thin, and they become too crispy; too thick, and they may not cook properly inside. Experiment to find the perfect balance.

Tostones as a Culinary Learning Tool

Teaching Kids to Cook with Tostones

Making tostones can be an excellent way to introduce children to cooking. The process is relatively simple and safe, allowing young ones to learn basic cooking skills and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Exploring Food Science

Understanding how plantains change texture and flavor when fried can be a fascinating food science lesson, making the process educational as well as delicious.


Making tostones is an easy and enjoyable process that can add a delicious touch to your meals or serve as a tasty snack. Whether you enjoy them plain, with a dipping sauce, or topped with your favorite ingredients, tostones are a versatile and delightful dish. If you’re craving the authentic taste of tostones but don’t feel like cooking, contact Burgermeister now for a taste of these delectable fried plantains and other mouth-watering dishes.

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